Sunday 15 January 2023

My 3 Days Routine Talk (A Salesman) Part 1

Hello I am Rehbar 

Date 10-01-2023

Today I went to meet my Clint whose name is Arun... He dropped me back from the gate maybe he didn't have time he had to go somewhere to port the sim.

Then I saw my team mate calling me, he was calling me from the nearby temple, Hanuman Mandir.. He told me that Senior is also available at the same place I did not want to go there but I went there..

I didn't want to talk to him but I did...Maybe He was not liking  my work.. He got irritated from me...Then I Came back from there.. 

He think I don't work according to him. I create my own highways. Maybe He is Right. I don't hear him I Just sing my own song...Which is wrong don't Copy me

Because I talked to him for a long time thats why I got Absent from My Regular Company means I face a loss from my regular company also..

Lesson-Don't argue with anyone maybe you are right but don't argue because people don't like argument 


I woke up in the morning and I saw Sir's WhatsApp profile, I came to know that he has deleted my number and he doesn't want to keep contact with me.

I called his Senior but he also didn't pick my call up  maybe sir refused him to talk to me or not I don't know...Then

I called my team mate and talked him for sometime regarding meeting etc. We talked, then I hung up the phone and I started login hour of my regular company After some time I realized that I have to go with my uncle to buy TV I called him and I went to buy TV, TV was very expensive, we did not bring it.

and then I Got back to home And Then I checked my bike its seat lock was broken maybe it must have been broken by my father because he used the bike just before me and then I Ride my bike to the local bike repairing shop and he denied to repair my bike because he did not have  my bike spare part he told me I have to go to the service center of my bike where it can be repair I got little frustrate and fed-up after all I get back to home and logged in

 I just made a logged in

My WIFI Internet Got down without WIFI I could not logged in anymore. I had talked to the Technician.. Technician Told me It will take 2 hour to solve the WIFI problem. I was waiting for the WIFI 

Sudden I Found My Mom is calling me from the house of my grandmother. She wanted to get come back to the home. So I started my bike and got there...When I was coming back from there I was on the wrong side of the road, it was a short cut to reach my house

But It was my mistake. I found a traffic policeman there who caught me there...and He deducted my fine of Rs 2000...

He just Click the Picture of My Bike Number and then I got back to home...Basically I haven't received the wrong side fine confirmation message yet I am expecting that he didn't Cut My fine

Apart from this My internet concern get resolved I have logged in I have lost 1 hour due to WIFI problem...Finally I completed my login hour 

I had dinner Finally I am going to sleep I haven't received the wrong side fine confirmation message yet I had to read the book, I haven't read it yet.

Lesson-Never ever break traffic role for shortcut 


Finally I couldn't get up on time this morning. I got the message of Wrong Side Fine as I woke up this morning so I got  little Disturb but it's ok

So I decided to withdraw this amount from the Sales.. Apart from this today I went to Repair my bike Which cost me a lots of money But the bike is fine now 

then I came back talked to my teammate I told him that now I have decided to act in a way I  told him that I want every smallest report of the work 

After that I had made my login again I could not go to the market Because as I told you I was late to login due to my bad sleep habit

It had rained a bit in the evening which made the environment a bit muddy Finally it was to sleep and I have to read a book which is related to market

Lesson-Never ever miss your schedule

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